Formally, he has finished his school at the School of Philosophy 'Driyarkara' (STF Driyarkara), Jakarta. Under the guidance of Prof. Dr. M. Sastrapratedja, SJ, he succeeded in completing his thesis entitled "Existential Humanism of Jean-Paul Sartre, an Answer to Difference in Humanism Enlightenment and Existentialism".

His high socializing experience in the public space has been proven since he becomes a community member of the Suropati Art Park, with his outstanding skills in playing a string instrument such as violin and viola. He is now learning to play the cello instrument. Hopefully, the left hemisphere which has been used to examine the philosophy texts will find its balance when he uses his right brain in musical art. It is what he believes as the best way to achieve the balance or being 'sane'.

Spirituality of 'bridge' becomes his source of enthusiasm for doing his profession as an editor. Now he uses his time to go back to school following evening classes on campus of 'Serong Bridge' as one of the participants in philosophy class of master degree.


Born in Magelang and earned a Bachelor of Education (S.Pd) from the Department of English Language Education, the Faculty of Education, University of Sanata Dharma followed by a master's degree of education (M.Pd) majoring in English education.

In 2012 he began working as a lecturer and researcher in Yogyakarta. Some of the studies that have been conducted namely Maintenance of Ecosystem as part of the Traditional Belief in Nglanggeran, Gunungkidul (2016), Social Culture Aspects in Efforts for Conservation of Plant and Water in Winong Lake, Saptosari, Gunungkidul (2015), Farming Patterns of Karst Hill Community in Saptosari, Gunungkidul (2014), The Role of Myths and Legends in Water Conservation efforts in Karst Area, Gunungkidul (2014), Aspects of Feminism in the Novel of John Steinbeck's 'The Pearl' (2002). Some of these works have been translated into English.

Some of the writings in education and socio-cultural fields have been published by media, both local and national newspaper. In 2013 he won a writing contest held by Kanisius Publishers & Printing Yogyakarta. The work was booked and published in the same year.


An MCI researcher who was born in sub village of Gemer, Ngargomulyo, Dukun, Magelang, Central Java graduated from the School of Philosophy and Theology in Malang. He completed his studies with a thesis entitled "Modern Atheism". He is an educator who likes reading and has a special interest in study on intricacies of the education world, religiosity and culture.

He is a 'man with smile' that turns into an admirer of an atheistic modern existentialism philosopher - Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. Nietzsche is a German philosopher and a scientist who studied philology of ancient texts that now he holds a title as a cultural critic. "Übermensch: Man on the continued fight for a value that exists within him or for a larger goal beyond him and achieve it without relying on God; the one that in some cases becomes a restriction or even a place to escape," said Cipto.

In addition to Nietzsche, he also admired Søren Aabye Kierkegaard. Kierkegaard philosophy is a reaction against the Hegelian dialectic. Kierkegaard himself sees himself as someone who is anti-religious and a philosopher, but now he is considered as the father of existentialism philosophy. "Human existence is achieved through the choice and decision that finally determine human life. Human being is as a subject rather than an objects or puppets," said Cipto.

He is an educator that studies philosophy and is actively crisscrossing the world of education. He worked as a teacher at Santa Maria High School Bandung. He was once a Headmaster of SMP Mikail Indramayu. Currently he teaches Religiosity Study in SMP N 19 and SMP N 4 Surakarta.


He is one of the initiators and founders of the Merapi Community Reading House (RBKM). He was born in sub village of Gemer, Ngargomulyo, Dukun, Magelang, Central Java. Gendhotwukir is an MCI researcher who likes reading, writing and swimming. In addition, he also likes listening to classical music while dining with his favorite side dish - salted fish. The salted fish always reminds him to memories of the hard struggle to find it during his studies in Europe.

His studies and writings have been documented and spread over in a number of anthologies and media at home in Indonesia and abroad. He studied at STFT Widya Sasana Malang, Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Sankt Augustin Germany and University of Sanata Dharma in Yogyakarta.

He has practiced the science of pedagogy at the Grundschule-Realschule Menden, Sankt Augustin, Germany, studied communication sciences in Yogyakarta (2008), speaker at workshop of Taman Bacaan 1001 Buku in Jakarta (2010), speaker at workshop of journalism at the Ministry of Trade (2012),  speaker at workshop of journalism in Jakarta Special Capital City (2012), participant at a workshop on "Climate Change" with participants from Asia in Jakarta (2013) and speaker at the Maluku Provincial Government Public Relation Workshop (2016).

A man with a motto "Never feel in doubt and fear to begin your writing, the great writer was initially also a budding writer" is now studying Cultural Studies in autodidact.


Finsensius Yuli Purnama was born and raised in one of the villages on Mount Merapi, Central Java. In 1999 he graduated from Communication Studies with a concentration of Media Studies at Atma Jaya University, Yogyakarta. Master of Media and Communication (M.Med.Kom) degree was awarded at Airlangga University (2013) with his thesis entitled as Hyperlink Network Analysis Twitter Accounts Portal News Online. Fins was actively involved as a founder and chairman of FOCUSO, Media and Communications Studies (UAJY, 2005-2007). Since 2010 he has been registered as a permanent lecturer of Science Communication, UKWMS.
Fins is actively as a speaker in various conferences. Several articles were presented such as: "New Media and Religious Violence in Indonesia" (published in Jurnal Cakrawala, vol.1, no. 2, UKSW, 2011), "Hip-hop Dance: Dialectics of Resistance and Commodity" (National Conference on Communication Branding , University of Brawijaya, proceeding, 2012), "Indonesia in the eyes of Australian Media" (in the Military Communication and National Resilience Seminar, UPN Yogyakarta, published in book, by Litera, 2012), "Leisure Time, Social Media, an Youth Identity" (International Conference, LSPR, 2012), "Changes in Media Concepts in Indonesia" (ISKI Seminar, Padang, Proceeding, 2013).
Several scientific articles are published in Scientific Journals: "The Role of Educational Advertising in Print Media as a Decision Making Reference" (Journal Spectrum, Bakrie University, 2013), "NodeXL in Internet-Based Communication Network Research" (best paper in COMICOS 2015, UAJY, published in the Journal of Communication Science, Vol 12, No. 1, 2015), "Disaster Journalism in the Asian Air Accident Report QZ801 on Java POS and KOMPAS Newspapers" (best paper in ASPIKOM 2016 National Communication Conference, published in Communication Vision Journal, vol. 14, No. 1, UMB, Jakarta, 2016).
Some articles in the form of anthologies include: "Second Life, Technology, and Identity Cyborg" and "Reality Show as Leisure Program" in the book of Menakar Media Massa dan Gaya Hidup Kita (UKWMS Publishers, 2014), and "Globalization and Cybernetic Society in Perspective ( Science) of Communication "in the book of Mengkritisi Arus Globalisasi (Kanisius Publishers, 2016).

At the international level, several articles are presented such as: "Semen VS Samin: The Petition on Line Change.org in Perspective of Laudato Si" (ASEACCU 2016, University of Notre Dame Australia, Broome, Australia), and "Law of Defamation in Indonesia In Perspective of Participatory Democracy "(in International Conference on Communication 2017, UUM, Malaysia).